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The Navajo Code Talkers came to Fairbanks this last summer. It was a tremendous honor to speak with them. Our daughter and husband came up for a visit. We went to Seward for salmon fishing, and to Denali Nat'l Park for some great wildlife viewing. We even saw a Beaver along the highway! Of course it was the flying kind, not the dam building kind, hehe!

Kaitlin Miller - Grand Daughter #3

Grace Miller - Grand Daughter #1

Elissa Miller - Grand Daughter #2

Charissa, John and Scooter, Our Grand-Dog - College Station Christmas

My Sweetheart of 32 years and counting!!

Regina;s Summer Hobby

Here I am, Yours Truly.

Granny & Lissie - Austin Texas Christmas

Just Outside Our Back door - Fairbanks Springtime in Alaska

Wintertime Excitement - Fairbanks Winter North American Sled Dog Championship

Navajo Code Talker - Fairbanks, Alaska

Navajo Code Talker - Fairbanks, Alaska

Navajo Code Talker - Fairbanks, Alaska

Navajo Code Talkers - Fairbanks, Alaska

Our Silver Salmon Catch - Seward, Alaska

Bald Eagle - Seward, Alaska, Just a few yards from our campsite.

John & Charissa Ludlow - Seward, Alaska

Joe & Regina Miller - Seward, Alaska

Beaver Aircraft made a runway on the Parks Highway. The pilot made a forced landing, with no injuries or damage.

Momma Grizzly and two of the three cubs we saw up close and personal - Denali Nat'l Park

Dall Sheep - Denali Nat'l Park. "Here, take my picture. I'll stand still for just another couple of seconds, then its "Hosta la Vista, Baby."

Pancho's Anyone? My Favorite!! We always get to go whenever we go outside to visit the kids! (Outside is an Alaskan term meaning outside of Alaska!)